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Published Feb 12, 2021. Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia were quite smitten with one another. He was the boy who wasn't supposed to happen to Rory Gilmore's picture-perfect existence! When Jess Mariano arrived in Stars Hollow during Gilmore Girls ' second season, Rory Gilmore's life couldn't have been going better; She was just accepted to. Off-screen, actress Alexis Bledel and actor Milo Ventimiglia fell for each other on the set of the WB-turned-CW show. The two began dating in 2002 and, while they managed to keep a low profile.

Milo Ventimiglia Is Back on the 'Gilmore Girls' Set and Hotter Than Ever

Milo and Alexis dated for four years, officially becoming a couple in 2002 before calling it quits in 2006. Alexis, 39, went on to marry her Mad Men co-star Vincent Kartheiser in a secret 2014. Rumors of Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia started in 2003, not long after Ventimiglia joined the show's cast. They reportedly dated for about four years before breaking up in 2006. Gilmore Girls costars Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia shared a romance both on and off the small screen. The pair portrayed Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano, respectively, on the beloved 2000s series. Surprise, Milo Ventimiglia Is Married. Complete with a Gilmore Girls Easter egg, too. By Kase Wickman. October 31, 2023.. (Alexis Bledel, whom Ventimiglia also dated in real life)..

Alexis & Milo Süße Reunion des "Gilmore Girls"Traumpaars!

Alexis Bledel famously dated Milo Ventimiglia during their time together on Gilmore Girls. Bledel's most famous romance on the set of Gilmore Girls was with Milo Ventimiglia, the actor who. Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia played an iconic couple on Gilmore Girls: Rory and Jess. But when the relationship moved off-screen, I became obsessed. Their subsequent 2006 breakup truly. Alexis Bledel, one of the stars of the show, gained the envy of teenage girls everywhere when she started dating her co-star and on-screen love interest, Milo Ventimiglia. A real-life Rory/Jess. Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore) and Milo Ventimiglia (Jess Mariano) famously played love interests on Gilmore Girls, but they also dated in real life. The two first met on set when Milo joined the.

What You Didn't Know About Alexis Bledel And Milo Ventimiglia's Relationship

Milo Ventimiglia and Alexis Bledel worked well together for the 'Gilmore Girls' Reboot. After its original seven-season run from 2000 to 2007,. Milo Ventimiglia (2003-June 2006) Bledel and Ventimiglia, whom fans remember as her on-again-off-again onscreen boyfriend, Jess, on "Gilmore Girls," publicly dated for nearly four years. When Jess. Alexis Bledel. While playing love interests on "Gilmore Girls," Ventimiglia and Bledel started dating in real life. They were together for nearly four years before they split in 2006, per People. Alexis Bledel is known for her roles in 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' and 'Gilmore Girls.' What is her dating history and who is she with now?. Milo Ventimiglia (2003-2006).

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Further, as "Gilmore Girls" fans also know, the pair's chemistry went beyond their characters' lives — Bledel and Ventimiglia dated in real life for over three years beginning in 2003. That was. Gilmore Girls costars Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia shared a romance both on and off the small screen. The pair portrayed Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano, respectively, on the beloved 2000s series.