Waarom Van der Sneppen? Wij leveren Zappshelters in Nederland en Europa. Wat u ook wilt beschermen, we zijn er om u te helpen. Lees verder. Wilt u periodiek, gedurende een bepaalde periode, tijdelijke plekken creëren, wanden plaatsen of een andere tijdelijke oplossing? Dat kan! We leveren maatwerk voor de meest uiteenlopende toepassingen. Introduction Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is a sensitive mode of absorption spectroscopy that is based on the rate of decay of light measured behind (at the exit port of) an optically stable cavity.
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van der Sneppen, pp 13-35 Liquid-Phase and Evanescent-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in Analytical Chemistry Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry Vol. 2:13-35 (Volume publication date 19 July 2009) First published online as a Review in Advance on November 25, 2008 https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anchem-060908-155301 Harvard Standard RIS Vancouver van der Sneppen, L., Gooijer, C., Ubachs, W. M. G., & Ariese, F. (2009). Cavity Ring-Down spectroscopy in analytical chemistry. In G. Berden, & R. Engeln (Eds.), Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy; Techniques and Applications Blackwell Publishing (Wiley). 18 van der Sneppen et al. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2009.2:13-35. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org. by VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT-Amsterdam-Library on 06/18/09. For personal use only. In earlier studies, it was demonstrated that the sensitivity of absorbance detection in liquid chromatography (LC) can be improved significantly by using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). Thus.
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L. van der Sneppen, J. B. Buijs, C. Gooijer, W. Ubachs, F. Ariese. Evanescent-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for Enhanced Detection of Surface Binding under Flow Injection Analysis Conditions. Applied Spectroscopy 2008 , 62 (6) , 649-654. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy for detection in liquid chromatography: extension to tunable sources and ultraviolet wavelengths Appl Spectrosc doi: 10.1366/000370206778062101. Authors L van der Sneppen 1 , A E Wiskerke , F Ariese , C Gooijer , W Ubachs Affiliation The kinetics of methylene blue reduction by ascorbic acid in acetonitrile was investigated by cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Because of our high sensitivity we were able to use very low concentrations (1−10 nM) of the dye. Under these conditions, we observed a second-order loss of dye as well as a competing back reaction with dissolved oxygen. The use of an inexpensive diode laser and a. Harvard Standard RIS Vancouver van der Sneppen, L. (2008). Liquid-phase cavity ring-down spectroscopy for improved analytical detection sensitivity. [PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam].
Zeilmakerij Van der Sneppen, Terneuzen
Search within. Search term Following interfacial kinetics in real time using broadband evanescent wave cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy: a comparison of light-emitting diodes and supercontinuum sources. Lineke van der Sneppen a, Gus Hancock a, Clemens Kaminski bd, Toni Laurila b, Stuart R. Mackenzie a, Simon R. T. Neil a, Robert Peverall a, Grant A. D. Ritchie * a, Mathias Schnippering c and Patrick R. Unwin c a.
@article{vanderSneppen2007CavityRS, title={Cavity ring-down spectroscopy for detection in liquid chromatography at UV wavelengths using standard cuvettes in a normal incidence geometry.}, author={Lineke van der Sneppen and Freek Ariese and C. D. de Gooijer and Wim Ubachs}, journal={Journal of chromatography. Van der Sneppen B.V. Company Profile | Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet HOME / BUSINESS DIRECTORY / MANUFACTURING / TEXTILE MILLS / FIBER, YARN, AND THREAD MILLS / NETHERLANDS / ZEELAND / TERNEUZEN / Van der Sneppen B.V. Van der Sneppen B.V. Website Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial Overview
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L. van der Sneppen, F. Ariese, +1 author W. Ubachs; Published 12 June 2009; Chemistry; Annual review of analytical chemistry; Due to its simplicity, versatility, and straightforward interpretation into absolute concentrations, molecular absorbance detection is widely used in liquid-phase analytical chemistry. Because this method is inherently. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature.