Chai Tea Benefits and How to Get Them Tea Breakfast

.deep Causes all .equal, .include, .members, .keys, and .property assertions that follow in the chain to use deep equality instead of strict ( ===) equality. See the deep-eql project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: It works by adding the should property to all objects, but if a return value or variable value is undefined, there isn't a object to hold the property. The documentation gives some workarounds, for example: var should = require ('chai').should (); db.get (1234, function (err, doc) { should.not.exist (err); should.exist (doc);

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expect(x) 〉 assert.equal(x, y) 〉 〉 jQuery, assertions, TDD and BDD, and other Chai examples. · One-page guide to Chai.js Sinon.JS property/method Assertion; called.should('have.been.called') expect(spy) callCount.should('have.callCount', 3) expect(spy).to.have.callCount(n) defined function in Assertion Best JavaScript code snippets using chai. Assertion.defined (Showing top 15 results out of 315) chai ( npm) Assertion defined expect (wrapper.props ().email);. expect (wrapper.props ().src); This comes in handy when being used with non-descript topics such as booleans or numbers. Should. The should style allows for the same chainable assertions as the expect interface, however it extends each object with a should property to start your chain. This style has some issues when used with Internet Explorer, so be aware of browser compatibility.

Chai Tea Benefits and How to Get Them Tea Breakfast

Commonly used with Chai, Mocha is an open source JavaScript testing framework that runs on Node.js and in the browser. Advisory boards aren't only for executives.. Whenever a hook is defined outside of a definite describe() block, the hook becomes a root-level hook. Root-level hooks apply to all test files regardless of where they are defined. Writing Tests With Mocha and Chai. The recommended way to organize your tests within your project is to put all of them in their own /test directory. By default, Mocha checks for unit tests using the globs ./test/*.js and ./test/*.coffee. From there, it will load and execute any file that calls the describe () method. Spy. var spy = sinon.spy(); Creates an anonymous function that records arguments, this value, exceptions and return values for all calls. var spy = sinon.spy(myFunc); Spies on the provided function. var spy = sinon.spy(object, "method"); Creates a spy for object.method and replaces the original method with the spy. If you're using Chai-As-Promised (as you say you are), then it allows for chaining off of rejectedWith - and it sets the chain assertion object to be the error object - meaning anything after rejectedWith () is now going to assert on the Error. This lets you do cool things like:

Chai is not defined error · Issue 3 · eclifford/karmachaijquery · GitHub

1 I'm trying to test some code written in Typescript and my test cases are failing. I've simplified the code a bit to break down my issue. I'm new to ts/js so most likely I'm just missing something obvious.. I don't have any classes defined in the traditional sense where you can create a new object. How to Use should / expect Interface The most powerful extension provided by Chai as Promised is the eventually property. With it, you can transform any existing Chai assertion into one that acts on a promise: Can't edit my previous comment anymore, but a better rewording would be "How do I test with chai for a variable being a whole number?". Edit: The unfortunate thing is though that the definition of "whole number" in the dictionary says "a number without fractions; an integer." - The Basics Install Chai in node, the browser, and other environments. Learn about styles that you can use to define assertions. Making Plugins After you have a solid knowledge of what is included in Chai, the next step is learning how to extend Chai through plugins.

Chai Medium

Thus, expect is indeed undefined because you never defined it. (I recommend chai) npm install chai then (see Amit Choukroune's comment pointing out to actually require chai) then. var expect = chai.expect; Share. Improve this answer. Follow edited Mar 24, 2018 at 16:57. starcwl. Use in combination with any, all, contains, or have will affect what will pass. When used in conjunction with any, at least one key that is passed in must exist in the target object. This is regardless whether or not the have or contain qualifiers are used. Note, either any or all should be used in the assertion.