Denis Cyplenkov vs Richard Lupkes Who is your Favorite

Fix Elbow Pain: stronger grip: pullup program: Arm Wre. Did you enjoy the video? Give it a Like. It's a small act that would mean a lot for this channel!Denis Cyplenkov

Denis Cyplenkov Body building men, Bodybuilding program, Bodybuilding

New training video with legend!Denis Cyplenkov you're new, Subscribe! → Denis Cyplenkov training montage. Preparing for World Title Match with Devon Larratt 2023-11-11. #armwrestling #deniscyplenkov #devonlarratt #eastvswest #zaur #dadikyan #morozov #alexeyvoevoda.. Some key takeaways from this video. Denis says he is prioritizing top roll training for his comeback in December. Says he is unlikely to surpass his peak hooking strength. Just wants to maintain his current hook strength/get close to his previous peak. The first pronation exercise that he demonstrates is for the defensive top roll. Denis Cyplenkov training - Arms wrestling and strict curl champion workout !If you find the content interesting consider subscribing at :


INTERVIEW: Denis Cyplenkov - Winner of A1 RUSSIAN OPEN - World Armwrestling Grand Prix - 27-28 July 2012. " Dennis Tsyplenkov scored two brilliant victories in the Open category A1 in the tournament and collected a record amount of prize money - $ 20,000. We could not interview him after the tournament. IRON WORLD : Hi, Dennis. Denis Cyplenov is arguably the strongest arm wrestler that has ever lived. He was a champion in the sport of arm wrestling for decades and was also a strongman competitor. Here is a quick rundown. Denis Cyplenkov. 63,828 likes · 51 talking about this. Official page of armwrestling athlete - Denis Cyplenkov Denis Cyplenkov (born 10th March 1982) is a Russian armwrestler, bodybuilder, and strongman champion.. Strict curl world record []. He is a strict curl world record holder since 2015 with a weight of 113 kg. On August 28, 2021, the strict curl world record has been broken by Leroy Walker, with a weight of 114 kg, which is 1 kg heavier than the previous world record. However, Denis didn't.

Denis Cyplenkov vs John Brzenk Who Will Win

Denis Cyplenkov is widely regarded as one of the greatest arm wrestlers of all time. His impressive arm wrestling career, along with his massive physique, has made him a popular figure in the strength sports community. One of my favourite video of Denis over ten years ago , he was the one who bring me to this sport . I hope he will come back soon During his recovery, he experienced further health issues, including contracting COVID-19 multiple times and passing kidney stones. As of Spring 2022, Denis reported feeling normal and had shifted his focus to fitness training, steering clear of specialized arm wrestling conditioning. Prior to his illness, he weighed around 140 kg (310 lbs. No, I've seen him lose at least a few times. He's fifty now, and still unbelievably strong. There's actually a great documentary done about him called Pulling John, available on Netflix (DVD only) if you have it. I think the reason why he was able to beat men many times his size is due to tendon and ligament strength, which isn't readily visible.


Denis Cyplenkov (Tsyplenkov) is known not only as a world record holder in strict curl, but also as a man with oversized hands. Denis Cyplenkov is the name o. A true master of the sport of Arm Wrestling, Denis Cyplenkov is a true champion, a humble and honest man as well as will always be remembered as the strongest Arm Wrestler in history. He continues to contribute to the sport of arm wrestling in social media as well as helping a lot of younger arm wrestlers. Denis Cyplenkov is a true Grapplezilla.