JRing Test Set for Self Consolidating Concrete

What Is J-ring Test? J-ring test denotes the passing ability of the concrete. The equipment consists of a rectangular section of 30 mm x 25 mm open steel ring drilled vertically with holes to accept threaded sections of reinforcing bars 10 mm diameter 100 mm in length. The J-Ring test, in combination with the slump flow test, is used together to determine the passing ability of SCC. The passing ability of SCC is defined as the ability of concrete to flow under its own weight to completely fill all spaces within the formwork.


J-Ring Test on Self Compacting Concrete - YouTube This video visually explains J-Ring Test on Self Compacting Concrete.The J-ring test can be used to determine the passing ability of. The J-Ring test is designed to evaluate the passing ability and segregation resistance of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). It provides valuable information about the workability and flow characteristics of SCC when subjected to confinement, such as reinforcement bars, in real construction scenarios. This test method provides a procedure to determine the passing ability of self-consolidating concrete. This test method is applicable for laboratory use in comparing the passing ability of different concrete mixtures. It is also applicable in the field as a quality control test. J-ring-rectangular section 30mm x 25mm planted vertically to form a ring 300 mm dia. generally at a spacing of 48 ± 2mm. Procedure About 6 liters of concrete is needed for the test. Moisten the inside of the slump cone and base plate. P; lace the J-Ring centrally on the base plate and the slump cone centrally inside the J- ring.

JRing Test Set for SCC Slump Flow Test Gilson Co.

The J-ring test device can be used with the slump flow test, the orimet test, or the V-funnel test. The J-ring, as shown in Figure 25, is a rectangular section (30 mm by 25 mm) open steel ring with a 300 mm diameter. Vertical holes drilled in the ring allow standard reinforcing bars to be attached to the ring. Each reinforcing bar is 100 mm long. WHAT IS SELF-CONSOLIDATING CONCRETE? Let's start with the simple definition and then kick it up a notch. SCC is very exceptionally flowable concrete that never needs to be consolidated to fill forms or flow. Placed flat, like for a slab, it is virtually self-leveling. It looks a little like lumpy pancake batter. The J-ring test to BS EN 12350-12 is used to assess passing ability of self-compacting concrete to flow through tight openings including spaces between reinforcing bars. J-ring test Acknowledgement : Concrete Society Concrete Information Wiki 8.5 Conduct a slump flow test without the J-Ring in accor-dance with Test Method C 1611/C 1611M. Use the same filling procedure as used with the J-Ring. Complete the tests with and without the J-Ring within 6 min. 9. Calculation 9.1 Calculate J-Ring flow according to the following equa-tion: J2Ring flow 5 ~d 1 1 d 2! 2 (1)

JRING apparatus, 16 bars

Forney also offers test sets for each of these tests. For example, the Forney J-Ring Test Set includes a heavy-duty steel J-ring and a sturdy plastic base plate, along with a slump cone and straight edge. This kit provides everything necessary to test self-consolidating concrete's ability to flow around reinforcing structures in concrete forms. J Ring Test for Self Compacting Concrete 29/10/2021 Binary And Bricks No Comments J- Ring Test: - It denotes passing ability of the self compacting concrete. This test method covers determination of the passing ability of self-consolidating concrete by using the J-Ring in combination with a slump cone mold. The J-Ring Test is used to determine the passing ability of SCC by the J-Ring Method. Set includes J-Ring, slump cone & base plate Concrete by J-Ring *Perform items are for Procedure B only • Understand this method determines passing ability of SCC using the J-Ring • Know terms specific to this standard test method • Understand the use of this test method • Understand limitations of this test method • Know the requirements for the J-Ring

JRing Test Set UTC0520E (EN) YouTube

The J-ring test can be used to determine the passing ability of self-consolidating concrete. It is applicable for laboratory use in testing different concrete mixtures for passing ability or can be used in the field as a quality control test. It is typical to also perform a slump flow test with the J-ring test. The J-Ring Test Set is used to characterize the ability of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) to pass through reinforcing steel. The test is useful for both mixture qualification and quality control testing. The test set provides a method to measure the distance of lateral flow of SCC. Set includes: J-Ring, Steel Slump Cone and plastic base.