7 Badass Catholic Saints The Catholic Talk Show YouTube

10 St Francis of Assisi Canonized July 16, 1228, by Pope Gregory IX I bet you weren't expecting to see St Francis on this list. St Francis is best remembered in popular culture as the animal patron - the saint who could talk to animals and sooth wild beasts. 6 Saints Who Could Kick Your Ass By: Ian Fortey September 25, 2008 "What could be done to improve Christianity?" is a question that the church has never, ever asked us. But if they did, we'd tell them to bring back the era of the ass-kicking saints. Did you even know there was such a thing?

7 Badass Catholic Saints The Catholic Talk Show YouTube

(1913-1928, feast day: February 10) If you are looking for an example of other-worldly courage, look no further than José Luis Sánchez del Río. Born in Sahuayo, Mexico, José Luis grew up during the. Books 9 Lady Saints Who Need Their Own Novels by Katie Bayerl March 9, 2017 Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons When I say "lady saint," what's the first word that comes to mind? Was it "badass"?. Podcast 7 Badass Catholic Saints By The Catholic Talk Show — 5 years ago When you picture of a Catholic Saint, you probably think of a meek and frail figure. But these 7 saints were some of the toughest people to ever walk the face of the Earth who's badassery was only eclipsed by their holiness. In this episode we'll cover: Spirituality The Top 5 Craziest Saints You've Never Heard Of Aleteia Brantly Millegan - published on 08/30/13 Holy dogs, dragon-slaying women, and saints that just wouldn't die. Think.

10 Of The Most Ridiculously Cool Icons of Saints EpicPew

1.6K Share 58K views 4 years ago The Catholic Talk Show In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys talk about the coolest and most badass saints in the history of The Catholic Chuch.. 8 Saint Barbara: Patron Saint of Fireworks How'd She Become a Saint? Barbara was daughter to a wealthy heathen named Dioscorus. When she converted to Christianity, he decided that the best way to demonstrate his displeasure would be to have her tortured and then to behead her with his own hands. When most people think, "Orthodox Christian Saint", the first phrase that pops into their heads generally isn't "skull-crushing badass". Saints are supposed to be skinny bearded dudes in ratty burlap robes who sit around in caves surrounded by lepers. Few facts are known about St Colmcille, one of Ireland's three patron saints. Colmcille - meaning "dove of the Church" in Gaelic; Columb (in Irish) or Columba (in Latin) - was born at Gartan in what is now County Donegal in c521 AD. At the age of 30 he entered the priesthood at Clonard Abbey, in modern Co. Meath.

6 Inspiring Badass Saints HubPages

Catherine of Siena is one of the most famous medieval saints, famed for her charity and wisdom. She was also known for fasting from a young age.. Top 10 Truly Badass Saints 10 Strange Legends And Images Of Saints Top 10 Unusual Patron Saints 10 Amazing Feats Performed By Saints. More Great Lists. 10 Beloved Stories Based On Horrible True Events; Spirituality 5 Saints who were notorious sinners Sharon Mollerus | CC BY 2.0 Philip Kosloski - published on 08/24/16 - updated on 09/21/23 These saints (a group that includes a former "loose. Mamerto Adan Dec 31, 2017 Every saint is great in their own rights. If God created man in his own image, then they are the living proof of His existence. They are the very reflection of what God is; faith, dedication, compassion, courage and unconditional love to their fellow men. We commonly think of saints as calm, pious individuals, but history is littered with extraordinary and unusual characters who have been canonized. This list.

The Most BADASS CUTSCENE in Saints Row 2 YouTube

The folks at Cracked have done it again: a list of the 6 most badass saints on the planet. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits, just barely cracked the list, coming in at #6. Cracked might have listed him higher had he proved that he was also bulletproof. 5 Oct Jeannie Ewing 20 Most Inspiring Woman Saints to Know and Love Learning the Faith, Living the Faith, Saints, Spiritual Development 0 The saints of the ages inspire and instruct us in how to lead lives of holiness. Men and women should study lives of these 20 awe-inspiring woman saints. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton