Bory Tucholskie National Park ( Polish: Park Narodowy "Bory Tucholskie") is a national park in Poland, created on July 1, 1996. It covers an area of 46.13 square kilometres (17.81 sq mi) of forests, lakes, meadows and peatlands. Park Narodowy „Bory Tucholskie" - jeden z 23 parków narodowych na terenie Polski i 11 na nizinach. Znajduje się na terenie województwa pomorskiego, w powiecie chojnickim, w granicach gmin Chojnice i Brusy. Siedzibą dyrekcji parku jest miejscowość Charzykowy, położona 3 km od Chojnic . Informacje ogólne
Park narodowy bory tucholskie Aparthotel Chaber
2023-12-08 W dniu 7 grudnia 2023 roku odbył się II etap XXII Powiatowego Konkursu Wiedzy Przyrodniczej pt. Ryby Parku Narodowego „Bory Tucholskie". Wzięło w nim udział 15 zespołów dwuosobowych z klas II i III. Wędrówki ptaków vs zmiany klimatu Bory Tucholskie National Park. This sandy, flat land is overgrown with pinewoods, cut across with river valleys and dotted with many post-glacial lakes. Peat bogs that are home to certain rare post-glacial plants can be found in numerous glacial depressions and at the edges of small forest lakes. The park's wildlife includes trout in the. The Bory Tucholskie Biosphere Reserve is located in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Pomeranian Voivodships. It is the largest Polish biosphere reserve (area of 3,195 km²) and was established in 2010 by the UNESCO International Coordinating Council as part of the "Man and Biosphere" programme. The Tuchola Forest, also known as Tuchola Pinewoods or Tuchola Conifer Woods, (the latter a literal translation of Polish: Bory Tucholskie; Kashubian: Tëchòlsczé Bòrë; German: Tuchler or Tucheler Heide) is a large forest complex near the town of Tuchola in northern Poland, which lies between the Brda and Wda Rivers, within the Gdańsk Pomerania r.
Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie, Struga Siedmiu Jezior 200800151C
The Tuchola Forest, also known as Tuchola Pinewoodsor Tuchola Conifer Woods, (the latter a literal translation of Polish: Bory Tucholskie; Kashubian: Tëchòlsczé Bòrë; German: Tuchler or Tucheler Heide) is a large forest complex near the town of Tuchola in northern Poland, which lies between the Brda and Wda Rivers, within the Gdańsk Pomerania re. Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie (tourist routes) The beauty and wildness of nature, the sound of forest, endless and intact richness of flora and fauna. The Tuchola Forest is a Pomorskie forest treasure, one of the largest pine forest complexes in Poland. It also includes rivers, lakes, peat bogs, a national park and a biosphere reserve. Park Narodowy "Bory Tucholskie" ul. Długa 33 89-606 Charzykowy tel./fax +48 52 39 88 397 e-mail:
[email protected] Work time: poniedziałek - piątek godz. 7.30 - 15.30 See more. Serwis sfinansowano ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. All rights reserved © "Bory Tucholskie" National Park 2024 Bory Tucholskie National Park is known for its pine forests, glacial lakes, and archaeological significance. It is also home to the largest grove of yew trees in Europe. Visitors can catch a glimpse of the past when visiting the Stone Circles in Odry that were constructed between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD. The park is home to many species of wildlife, including deer, boar, and the rare wolf.
Bory Tucholskie Park Narodowy Mapa Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie
Bory Tucholskie National Park was established in 1996 to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the region, including its forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife. The park is known for its forests, which are dominated by pine and spruce, as well as its numerous lakes, rivers and peat bogs. Park Narodowy „Bory Tucholskie" powstał 1 lipca 1996 r. Położony jest w północno-zachodniej części Polski, w woj. pomorskim. Jego powierzchnia obejmuje obszar 4613,04 ha. Zajmuje północno-zachodnią część dużego kompleksu leśnego Bory Tucholskie. Położony jest na terenie powiatu chojnickiego w dwóch gminach: wiejskiej Chojnice i Brusy.
The numerous hiking and cycling routes of the Tuchola Landscape Park (over 76 km) are located in forest, on its outskirts, on rivers and lakes. Surrounded by birds singing, the noise of trees, breathing fresh forest air, it is easy to cut off from the hustle and bustle of big cities. Bory Tucholskie National Park is a paradise for botany enthusiasts, with its diverse range of plant species. The park is home to rare orchids such as the Lady's-slipper, which can be found in the peat bogs. The carnivorous plants like sundews and butterworts are also present in these bogs. These fascinating plants trap insects on their sticky.
In the heart of Bory Tucholskie National Park
Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie (nature trails) Located in the south-western part of the Pomorskie Voivodeship (province) the Park Narodowy "Bory Tucholskie" is an area that, in a quite beautiful way, shows the strength and self-sufficiency of nature. Bory Tucholskie National Park was established on July the 1st, 1993. It is located in north-western part of Poland, Pomorskie Province. The area is 4 613,04ha. It covers north-western part of Bory Tucholskie, a big Forest Complex. It is located on the area of Chojnicki County in two municipalities: Chojnice and Brusy.