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Hermann's tortoise ( Testudo hermanni) is a species of tortoise native to Europe. Etymology The specific epithet, hermanni, honors French naturalist Johann Hermann. [4] The subspecific name, boettgeri, honors German herpetologist Oskar Boettger. [4] Taxonomy Testudo hermanni hermanni is found in several areas of mainland Italy along with the islands Sicily and Sardinia. In Spain it occurs in Catalonia and on the Balearic islands, Majorca and Menorca. In France it is restricted to the south (Varoise) and the island of Corsica. Native Habitat

Testudo hermanni hermanni femmina JuzaPhoto

Testudo hermanni hermanni, also known as the Western Hermann's tortoise or known as the Italian tortoise, is a subspecies of tortoise. The subspecies has a rich golden yellow shell with sharp contrast. Testudo hermanni hermanni Also known as "The Italian Tortoise", this is the nominate subspecies of Hermann's tortoise and has not yet elevated to full species level even though efforts have already been made (Eurotestudo hermanni, 2006). It is the rarest form of the three currently recognized subspecies, especially in USA collections. Testudo hermanni is a medium-sized tortoise. Adults usually range from 13-20 cm (5-8 in). Adults of the western subspecies, Testudo hermanni boettgeri, may reach up to 28 cm (11 in) in length, weighing 3-4 kg (7-9 lb). Sexual dimorphism is moderate, with females on average 12% larger than males. Shell shape and color Hermann's tortoises are named after Johann Hermann, a French naturalist who lived during the 18 th Century.. There are two distinct subspecies of Hermann's tortoise; the more common Eastern Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) and the smaller Western Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni).The scientific name for the Eastern Hermann's tortoise is derived from Oskar.

Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group

Testudo hermanni Hermann s Tortoise By Lindsey Lavender Geographic Range Habitat Physical Description Development Reproduction Lifespan/Longevity Behavior Communication and Perception Food Habits Predation Ecosystem Roles Economic Importance for Humans: Positive Economic Importance for Humans: Negative Conservation Status Contributors References Hermann's tortoise is a medium sized tortoise from the Mediterranean coastal areas in southern Europe. They are currently separated into two confirmed subspecies. T. h. hermanni are the western Hermann's tortoises ranging through Spain, France, Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and south-central Italy. For some years this tortoise (along with those of Spain and the Balearic islands) has been identified as Testudo hermanni robertmertensi WERMUTH 1952. The eastern population of hermanni was referred to T. hermanni hermanni GMELIN 1789. Testudo hermanni, 059. Download pdf. Testudo hermanni (Gmelin 1789) - Hermann's Tortoise. Albert Bertolero 1,2, Marc Cheylan 3, Adrian Hailey 4, Barbara Livoreil 5,6, and Ronald E. Willemsen 7. 1 Associació Ornitològica Picampall de les Terres de l'Ebre, La Galera 53, 43870 Amposta, Spain; 2 Present Address: Ecosistemes Aquàtics, IRTA, ctra. Poble Nou km 5.5,

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Censuses of population fragments of the Endangered, endemic Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni hermanni were carried out during 2001-2005 in mainland France to reassess their status and provide guidelines for conservation management. Comparisons with previous censuses suggest a decline in abundance since 1992, although the total area of distribution remains unchanged. Weight. 2-2.5. kg lbs. Length. 120-230. mm inch. Hermann's tortoise ( Testudo hermanni) is a species of tortoise. It is very popular with pet lovers and is the most common tortoise species kept as a pet, the reason being that they are fascinating and very fun-loving. Hermann's tortoises can mix easily with humans and it is easy to learn about. The eastern Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) is by far the most common of the Mediterranean tortoises of the genus Testudo alongside Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii, known as the Russian or Horsfield's tortoise. This attractive tortoise is frequently encountered at reptile expos and through online classified dealers. Dalmatian tortoise (Testudo hermanni hercegovinensis) Meet the Hermann's Tortoises First, let's get familiar with the Hermann's tortoise subspecies. Western Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni) IUCN Red List: Endangered B1+2abcde ver 2.3 Adult Size: Highly dependent on form or locale but generally 3.6 to 8 inches (males smaller)

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Testudo hermanni (Hermann's Tortoise) is a species of turtles in the family tortoises. They are listed as near threatened by IUCN and in cites appendix ii. They are native to the Palearctic. They are diurnal herbivores. They have sexual reproduction. They have parental care ( female provides care ). EOL has data for 31 attributes, including: Hermanni Haven at Garden State Tortoise brings us a new video: Testudo hermanni hermanni "Breeding, Nesting & Hatching".a sequence of events". Showcasing.