Weather report for Elafonísi Until noon a few clouds are expected, the sky clears in the afternoon. It is a sunny day. Temperature highs are likely to reach 58 °F. During the night and in the morning expect a moderate breeze (12 to 18 mph). In the afternoon a gentle breeze is expected (8 to 12 mph). Winds blowing from Northeast. 59 °F 6:00 Elafonisi 14-Day Weather Daily Hourly Show help Save image This chart shows the 14 day weather trend for Elafonisi (Crete, Greece) with daily weather symbols, minimum and maximum temperatures, precipitation amount and probability. The deviance is coloured within the temperature graph.
New Cold Front Sweeps Through Greece Thursday
Elafonisi Weather, Crete Holiday Weather Now Sorted by popularity: Updated at 14:01 GMT Majorca 16°C Fuerteventura 21°C Tenerife 20°C Gran Canaria 22°C Lanzarote 21°C Cape Verde 23°C Crete 15°C Madeira 21°C Algarve 16°C Malta 17°C Mauritius 27°C Maldives 28°C Cancun 22°C Sunny Beach 9°C Bali 25°C Corsica 12°C Punta cana 26°C Zante 16°C Malaga 20°C This web page presents weather, wave, lightning and dust forecasts produced by the Institute for Environmental Research, National Observatory of Athens (IERSD/NOA). Weather forecasts are provided by three models: BOLAM, WRF and MM5, for Europe and Greece. Wave forecasts are provided for the Mediterranean waters as well as for the Greek Seas. Lightning, dust and UV forecasts are also provided. Elafonisos, Peloponnese, Greece Weather Forecast | AccuWeather Current Weather 5:02 PM 73° F RealFeel® 70° RealFeel Shade™ 70° Air Quality Poor Wind SW 11 mph Wind Gusts 17 mph Mostly. Elafonisi beach Beach at sea, Chania, Crete (Greece), elevation 1 m Forecast Other conditions Map Details Current conditions 17° Feels like 17° 0 mm 7 m/s Table Graph Night Morning Afternoon Evening Temperature high/low WindPrecip. Today 3 Jan. 17° / 17° 0.4 mm 9 m/s Open hourly forecast Thursday 4 Jan. 18° / 17° 1.4 mm 11 m/s Open hourly forecast
Intense Showers and Thunderstorms Expected for Crete Later Today
Elafonisi Section of populated place, Chania, Crete (Greece), elevation 36 m Press to show information about this location. Forecast Forecast. Other conditions Other conditions.. Weather forecast for the next 10 days. Night Morning Day Afternoon Evening. Temperature high/low Wind Precip. Weather forecast for Elafonisi beach Wed 02.08. 30° / 24° It is clear, the chance of precipitation is 4%, there are 12 sun hours. in the Morning Cloudless 28° / 25° Risk 2% <0.1 l/m² Light breeze Live weather for Elafonisi, 14 day and 25 weather forecast for Elafonisi, updated regularly. Hourly daily weather forecasts for Elafonisi also provided. Weather Elafonisi - Crete - Detailed bulletin - ☼ METEO CONSULT forecasts ☀ Live weather assistance DETAILED 15-DAY WEATHER FORECASTS for France, Europe, the World, Overseas Territories, Mountains, Beach, Golf, Racetracks - All the news - Videos and animations. meteo consult.
Weather in Elafonisi beach ⛅ (Crete), Greece - Weather Forecast - Fri Mostly stable 18 °C low 19 °C high 31 / 36 km/h Sat Dec 16 Stable ~6 l/m2 41% 14 °C low 18 °C high 52 / 59 km/h Sun Dec 17 Extremely stable ~2 l/m2 42% 13 °C low 14 °C high 56 / 64 km/h Mon Dec 18 Extremely stable 13 °C low 15 °C high 29 / 31 km/h Tue Dec 19 Wind, Waves and Weather Forecast for Elafonisi, Crete, Greece. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: 07:18 - 17:14
Beach weather forecast including temperature, sunshine, rainfall, wind and waves conditions for Elafonsi, Crete, Greece See a detailed hourly forecast. Radar map. Track the precipitation. Frequently asked questions.. Search Search Menu. Elafonisi Section of populated place, Chania, Crete (Greece), elevation 36 m Press to show information about this location. Forecast Forecast. Other conditions Other conditions.
Elafonisi Pink Beach in Crete Greece GO GREECE YOUR WAY
Elafonisi Section of populated place, Chania, Crete (Greece), elevation 36 m Press to show information about this location. Forecast Forecast. Other conditions Other conditions.. Weather forecast for the next 10 days. Night Morning Day Afternoon Evening. Max/min temp. Wind Precip. Sunday 10 Dec. Weather Elafonisi - Crete - Detailed bulletin - ☼ METEO CONSULT forecasts ☀ Live weather assistance DETAILED 15-DAY WEATHER FORECASTS for France, Europe, the World, Overseas Territories, Mountains, Beach, Golf, Racetracks - All the news - Videos and animations