Break Up Quotes Break Up Quotes For Her Breaking Up Quotes (2022)

1. (to dissolve a relationship) a. separarse Breaking up is never easy, whether in romance or business.Separarse nunca es sencillo, ya sea en el amor o en los negocios. 2. (to split up; often used with "with") a. romper He didn't eat for weeks after he broke up with his girlfriend.No comió por semanas después de romper con su novia. b. terminar Listen: definition | in French | Conjugación [ES] | English synonyms | Conjugator [EN] | in context | images WordReference Collins WR Reverse (37) En esta página: break up, breakup WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023: Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement. Is something important missing?

15 Breakup lines in Spanish you need to know Learn More Than Spanish

noun 1. (disunion) a. la separación (F) Andy says he's not having a hard time after his breakup.Andy dice que no le va mal después de la separación. b. la ruptura (F) Kirsten went to have lunch with a friend after his breakup.Kirsten fue a comer con un amigo después de su ruptura. c. la desintegración (F) B1 If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends. romper Jenny and George have broken up. Jenny and George han roto. She's just broken up with her boyfriend. Fewer examples I was consoling Liz on having broken up with her boyfriend. What is the translation of "break up" in Spanish? en volume_up break up = es volume_up dividir Translations Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new EN "break up" in Spanish volume_up break up {vb} ES volume_up dividir romper desguazar hacer añicos quebrar disolver despiezar aportillar romperse desintegrar violar terminar una relación US: /ˈbreɪkˌʌp/ , (brāk′ up′) definition | in French | Conjugación [ES] | English synonyms | Conjugator [EN] | in context | images WordReference Collins WR Reverse (6) En esta página: breakup, break up WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024: Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

Breakup Find Yourself Again After Being Shattered By A Breakup

break up transitive verb + adverb 1. [rocks etc] hacer pedazos ⧫ deshacer [ship] desguazar 2. (figurative) [crowd] dispersar ⧫ disolver [meeting, organization] disolver [gang] desarticular [marriage] deshacer [estate] parcelar [industry] desconcentrar [fight] intervenir en break it up! ¡basta ya! I think you need to break up with your boyfriend. Creo que debes romper con tu novio. break up vi phrasal phrasal verb, intransitive: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning and not taking direct object--for example, "make up" [=reconcile]: "After they fought, they made up." informal (school: finish) interrumpirse⇒ vprnl Dictionary Usage Examples Translations for „ break-up " in the English » Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish » English ) Show summary of all matches break-up noun break up I. transitive verb II. intransitive verb breakup noun break-up N User Entry break-up ( disintegration) ruptura f break-up ( of relationship, marriage) ruptura break-up ( end) fin m How to say break up in Spanish - Translation of break up to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: The band broke up when their arguments over money grew too stressful.

The Break Up Break Down

1. Acabar con (alguien) Starting with an example from our lesson on the verb acabar, literally meaning "to finish with," acabar con is one manner of saying "to break up" in Spanish: Pienso acabar con mi novio. I'm planning to break up with my boyfriend. 2. Terminar (a alguien) noun uk / ˈbreɪk.ʌp/ us / ˈbreɪk.ʌp/ DIVISION [ S ] a gradual division into smaller pieces desintegración It was feared that the break-up of the oil tanker would result in further pollution. Se temía que la desintegración del petrolero provocara una mayor contaminación. END [ C ] partir v · destruir v · separarse v · deshacerse v · dispersarse v · desintegrarse v · dividirse v · descomponerse v break up noun (plural: break ups) disgregación f break sth. up verb fragmentar algo v · desarticular algo v See also: break n — "No eres tú, soy yo." It's not you, it's me. "Eres demasiado bueno/a para mi" / "Creo que mereces estar con alguien mejor." You are too good for me / I think you deserve better. "Creo que vamos como muy rápido…"

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la separación noun separation, detachment, parting, division, break la dispersión noun dispersion, dispersal, scattering, scatter, pattern el deshielo noun thaw, snowbreak el entrefino noun alarm bell Find more words! break-up See Also in English break noun, verb descanso, romper, rotura, pausa, romperse to break up (also: to divide up, to parcel, to parcel out, to partition) dividir {vb} It threatens to break up families. Esto amenaza con dividir a las familias. What indeed will we do about the demand to break up Macedonia (or should that still be FYROM)?