Endosphères Therapy L'esthétique

Endosphéres Therapy—also known as Endosphére Therapy Compressive Microvibration— is a brand new treatment that uses low-frequency vibrations (between 39 and 355 Hz or) to generate a pulsed, rhythmic movement from the top of the skin to deep in the muscle, explains Amy Peterson, licensed medical aesthetician and owner of Skincare By Amy Peterson. By delivering low-frequency vibrations between 39 and 355 Hz it simulates a pulsed, rhythmic action on the skin and tissue that reduces cellulite, helps support lymphatic drainage, improves vascular action by improving circulation and nourishing the tissue, provides pain relief, and helps improve muscle tone by stimulating the muscles with vibration.

Endosphères Therapy L'esthétique

In a nutshell: Endospheres Therapy is a non-invasive mechanical treatment that uses the therapeutic benefits of compressive microvibration. The microvibrations transmit through low frequency the vibrations to create a pulsed rhythmic action to the tissue. FACIAL TREATMENTS: Endosphères Therapy can be used on the face as well to smooth, tighten, and illuminate your face complexion. The treatments increase collagen production, elastin and hyaluronic acid to revive tired, dull or sagging complexions and re-awaken your natural beauty. One of the latest noninvasive body treatments to really take off is Endosphères therapy, an innovative vibrational treatment that promotes lymphatic drainage and is said to help flush out toxins,. Endosphéres Therapy—also known as Endosphére Therapy Compressive Microvibration— is a brand new treatment that uses low-frequency vibrations (between 39 and 355 Hz) to generate a pulsed, rhythmic movement from the top of the skin to deep in the muscle. Endosphéres Therapy improves blood circulation and muscle pain, collagen, and elastin.


Endospheres® is a proven therapeutic massager that temporarily increases local blood circulation, and provides temporarily relieves of minor aches and pains. Endospheres has been voted one of the top 10 hottest new devices for body enhancement in the Aesthetics Guide Magazine. T o P 1 0 n o n - i n v a s i v e So, I recently tried out Endosphères, a fairly new non-invasive treatment that incorporates a patented technology called Compressive Microvibration Therapy that was developed by bioengineers in. Benefits of Endosphere Therapy. The secret of Endosphere's success is that it attacks the root cause of many issues like cellulite through boosting circulation, lymphatic drainage, and dismantling fibroblasts. The targeted therapy offers exceptional results for many concerning skin and beauty challenges with benefits like: Firmer More Elastic. of the skin, which is simply the manifestation of changes that take place in the skin and subcutaneously, and which can be combined into six main groups: 1. Lipoedema: increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in free water; 2. Lipo-lymphoedema: increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in the quantity of lymphatic liquid; 3.

ENDOSPHERES Therapy Baltic Lasers

Endospheres ® therapy is the innovating mix between beauty and health, it is the one method able to care such complex pathologies as septal secundary lymohoedema and celulite. This method permits to obtain such encouraging results that can be considered much more satisfying than a medical therapy. The skin tissue compaction is obtained by a pressure which makes possible to break the under. Face Non-surgical Treatments Body Anti-wrinkle treatments Aqualyx Biodermogenisi Blepharoplasty Body Sculpting (SmartLipo) Body sculpting (vaser) CIT (Micro-needling) Collagen Induction Therapy Cool Laser Cryolipolysis Endospheres Therapy HIFU Contact us Harley Street Journal Endosphères Therapy is a globally recognized treatment for the body and face. Its revolutionary methods address body and face imperfections, stimulating blood flow, oxygenation and improving lymphatic drainage. SCHEDULE NOW 100% NON-INVASIVE Using Antera 3D Camera for Skin Surface Analysis before and after six sessions of treatments in 13 weeks, we have valued the improvement of cutaneous roughness (20,5%) skin brightness (7,79%) and increase in vascularization by hemoglobin diffusion (28,5%), thus the satisfaction of patients valued 8,11 (from1 to 10).

Endosphères Therapy • Face Treatments • EVA Facial

Endospheres therapy is completely painless, non-invasive, safe, suitable for everyone Endosphères Therapy has unique results in aesthetic medicine, in effective slimming, firming, removing cellulite, and also filling and enhancement of all parts of the body you are not satisfied with. Endospheres Therapy can also. Endosphères Therapy reduces the appearance of cellulite by improving local blood circulation and smoothing the tissues of the problem areas. Working on the lymphatic system has been clinically proven to improve the appearance of cellulite. STUDIES HAVE SHOWN