My Plan VS. God's Plan Cherish the Best

Here are 6 Things To Remember When God's Plan is Different From Your Plan…. 1. He Sees the Future. A major part of the reason that God's plan is far better than ours is that He can see the future and we cannot. We can't even see into the next minute. At best, we can only take educated guesses, but God knows for certain what will happen. God's Will is the Best Possible Plan. Ephesians 1:1-20; Colossians 2:2-10: A. The Plan: We can do many things without God (acquire wealth…start a business…get an education…etc.), but only in God's will can we find true joy, fulfillment, faithfulness…and expect someday to hear from Him…"Well done, good and faithful servant." That wonderful plan God has already designed for.

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When our plans and God's plans don't match up, we often try to kick down the door. Then things get worse. Just ask Jonah. He learned the hard way how to respond when God's plans and his plans didn't match. God told Jonah to warn the people of Nineveh that they needed to repent from their evil ways. But Jonah ran from God and ended up in. Our Plans vs. God's Plans. The Bible encourages us to plan but also warns that the planning process has limits. In fact, in the space of a few verses, Proverbs provides two perspectives on planning, using two different Hebrew words. First, the "plans of the heart" do belong to us. The Hebrew word here refers to making arrangements and. On paper this plan of mine seems better than God's plan. God could have avoided so much collateral damage. He could have avoided creating so so many who wilfully end up in Hell. We Christians would have missed out on so much suffering, bloodshed, depression, loneliness and death. And best of all there would be no need for Jesus, the Son of. Give God the benefit of the doubt and concentrate on the positive things that you know can come out of glad acceptance of His plan. You may be surprised at the way life becomes less of a struggle and God's will becomes less of a problem. While God is in control, He has granted us freedom to act. God is sovereign.

My Plan VS. God's Plan Cherish the Best

06.23.23. How much should we plan our lives when we know God's got plans for us? Should we be ruthless and driven about planning our schedules and our lives? Or should we be so trusting and so faithful that we just wait to see where God takes us? The answer, Pastor Mike says, comes from understanding that both approaches can be right—because truth is a tension. We know that's God's ways are not our ways and His ways are far above our ways as God clearly says in Isaiah 55:8-9. With that said, when it comes to God's plan vs my plan God's plan is hands down the best way to go and will always lead to God's best for us without question. Seeking God's plan requires faith and walking by faith and. A major part of the reason that God's plan is far better than ours is that He can see the future and we cannot. We can't even see into the next minute. At best, we can only take educated guesses, but God knows for certain what will happen tomorrow, next week, and years down the road. It's like He can see around the blind corners of time. God is our Heavenly Father, and He wants us to be fulfilled, blessed, and successful in the plan that He has established for our lives. This is because He loves us, and so we can be a reflection of His love and blessings to other people in the earth. It is God's desire to have a relationship with us—to walk with and to communicate with His.

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He wanted his plans to be contingent upon the Lord's plans. Even in many of his letters Paul would remind the people to be filled with the knowledge of God's will ( Colossians 1:9) or 'not to be foolish, but to understand God's will' ( Ephesians 5:17 ). When we make decisions we must seek God's will and learn to understand the plan. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:20-21) Surely this wasn't in Joseph's plan. By this point, Joseph was an old man - probably well into his 70s or 80s. He wasn't getting married because he was in love with Virgin Mary - who was no older than a. The Bible tells us that we can make our plans but that God will change them if we allow Him too. Keep in mind that God will never lead His children in a direction that they wouldn't choose for themselves if they knew the end from the beginning like God does. My plan to drive to see my wife became a reality, but God sure changed my "steps" and. That's why in Proverbs 3:5, he tells me to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.". In that verse, he's letting me know in advance that "my understanding" is not always accurate or wise! Then there are the times that I'm not digging in my heels in defiance. Instead, I'm not even remotely.

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Here are some encouraging words to know that God's plans are so much greater than our own. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" - Proverbs 3:5-6. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and. Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. My prayer today is that you are reminded that when your plans fall apart (and they will), the Lord is there with you, working in ways you may not see or understand.