The Acei Cichlid is by far one of the gorgeous, yellow-colored fish you can introduce to your tank. Its natural blue shade and vivid yellow fins form a stunning contrast against each other. The yellow-tail acei (scientific name: Aulonocara stuartgranti) is a type of cichlid that's native to Lake Malawi in Africa. They are most commonly found in the southern and central regions of the lake, although they have been known to swim as far north as Nkanda Island. These fish prefer to live in areas with a lot of rocks and caves.
Pseudotropheus sp. "acei" (also known as yellow-tail acei) is a Mbuna cichlid from Lake Malawi that grows to around 6 in (15 cm) in length. Although known for many years, it has not been formally described. The Acei Cichlid, also known as Yellow Tail Acei, is a vibrant, tropical freshwater fish. Scientifically, it's referred to as Pseudotropheus Acei. This fascinating species originates from Zambia, offering a hint of African waters to your aquarium. by Fabian Updated: July 10, 2023 / 11 mins read Acei cichlid ( Pseudotropheus Acei ), also known as Yellow Tail Acei, is found in Zambia on the Northwestern coast of Lake Malawi, from Bandawe Point to Ngara. With their striking yellowfins and slender blue body, these fish are stunning. In addition, if you look closely, you may see purple tones on their bodies. Shop Yellow Tail Acei (Pseudotropheus elegans) and hundreds of other common and exotic freshwater aquarium fish direct from one of the leading aquarium fish breeders in North America since 1970. Learn more about Yellow Tail Acei (Pseudotropheus elegans), see beautiful images, care and tank info.
Yellow Tail ACEI YouTube
Yellow Tail Acei Two Juveniles Pseudotropheus acei Difficulty Easy Min. Tank Size 208 Litres (55 US G.) Size 12.7-15.2cm (5-6 ") sg Freshwater pH 7.8 - 8.6 Temp. 25.6-27.8°C (78 -82 °F) Water Hardness 15-25 °d Stocking Ratio 1:2 M:F Availability Common Diet Herbivore Pellet Foods Flake Foods Other (See article) Life Span 5-12 years Habitat Acei cichlids, scientifically known as Pseudotropheus acei and commonly referred to as yellow-tail acei or whitetail acei, are a type of cichlid fish native to East African waters. Acei cichlids are herbivores that can be found in a variety of habitats from rocky outcrops to sandy flats. Scientific Name: Pseudotropheus Acei Common Name: Yellow Tail Acei Cichlid Adult Size: 4.5 inches Life Expectancy: 8 years Habitat: Lake Malawi, Africa Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 78°F pH Range: 7.0-8.0 Hardness Range: 5-15° Temperament: Moderately aggressive The Yellowtail Acei cichlid is known only from Msuli Point and Luwala Reef. Here it inhabits the sandy/rocky shoreline where tree branches hang down into the water or have fallen in, their specialised cuspid dentition allowing them to harvest algae from submerged wood. Schools of 30-50 individuals surrounding a large log is not an uncommon sight.
mal/tang fish Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei" (Msuli) 21113
Young Auratus Cichlids are known for their bright yellow color with black horizontal stripes. As these cichlids mature, males will turn bluish purple. So many Mbuna keepers prefer to get their Mbunas as young because it is enjoyable to watch the transition of colors on the males as they mature. Description Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei' from Msuli Point, Lake Malawi Overview: Discover the captivating allure of the Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei', a gem from the azure waters of Lake Malawi. Renowned for its deep violet-purple body contrasted with a strikingly bright yellow tail, this cichlid stands out as the only purple Malawi cichlid.
Its common name tells you everything you need to know about its appearance, with its yellow and black stripes resembling that of a bumblebee. Additionally, it can change color to almost black very rapidly depending on mood and stress levels. Saulosi Cichlid (Pseudotropheus saulosi) Saulosi cichlids are a delightful addition to mbuna aquariums. Yellow Tail Acei. Temperament: Peaceful; Diet: Omnivore; Tank Size: 50+ gallons; Care Level: Easy; Lifespan: 6-8 years; Temperament: 72-82°F (22-28°C) Adult Size: 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) It is a moderately widespread species, not commonly found in the trade due to the small number of offspring.
White Tail Acei (Pseudotropheus acei "ngara") Tropical Fish Keeping
Rock-Dwelling Mbuna Cichlid - Yellow-Tailed Violet Acei Cichlid. SKU 1889-3437 Category Cichlids - African Cichlids Aquarium Fish Tag Rock Dwelling Mbuna .Gephyrochromis Acei. Pseudotropheus Acei $ 19.00 *NOTE: AS A FISH FARM, WE DO NOT OFFER GENDER SPECIFIC SEXING ON FISH STOCK. REQUEST FOR MALES OR FEMALES CAN ONLY BE ACCOMMODATED IF THE. The Yellow-Tail Acei Cichlid ( Pseudotropheus Acei) is a freshwater fish in the Cichlidae family of cichlids. It is a Mbuna cichlid. The Yellow-Tail Acei Cichlid has a yellow tail. Its body is blue, blue-purple, or grey. Yellow-Tail Acei Cichlid It grows to about 18 centimetres (7 inches) in length.