Concept art for the animated series that became known as Transformers: Prime has been revealed, offering a different look at the robots in disguise. Newly-revealed concept art for a 2010s Transformers cartoon showcases how different the series could have been. Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Nightbird By Furio Tedeschi (Twitter) - Alt mode and robot mode concept art. Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Scourge By Eddie Del Rio (Instagram) - Several initial designs for the Terrorcon leader, one of them wearing a Decepticon mask.
Transformers Universe Concept Art by Tom Stockwell Transformers News
Some highlights: The series had the "Transformers Robots In Disguise" provisional name. Part of the story and some of the designs show a lot of inspiration from the Transformers 2007 live-action movie. Spike was considered. He would have been a "rebellious teenage computer hacker". This month is the anniversary of the Transformers franchise's very first big-screen live-action adventure, so in celebration we're taking a look at some of the early concept artwork from the film, and how the main robot characters all evolved to their final forms. Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts director Steven Caple Jr. has treated us, via his Instagram account, with some great pieces of concept art of different characters from the movie. As we close the weekend I'd like to show the artist on @transformersmovie ROTB love. Without you we wouldn't have had a foundation to build from… Hit the jump for the exclusive Transformers: Age of Extinction concept art. The movie hits Blu-ray tomorrow. Click here to buy it on Amazon. THE YEAR'S #1 MOVIE IN THE WORLD ARRIVES ON BLU-RAY.
Transformers The Last Knight Barricade Concept Art By Josh Nizzi
We're back for the third and final part of our 2007 Transformers movie concept art round-up! In part 1 & part 2, we've already seen how the various Autobot and Decepticon characters from the first live-action movie evolved from the initial ideas through to what we actually saw on screen, and now there are just two big names left to go…. Before we get to all of that though, let's have a. COUNTDOWN: Transformers 2007 - how the 13 robots evolved from concept art (part 1) Posted on July 5, 2021 by Sixo This month is the anniversary of the first live-action Transformers film, which was released on the 3rd July 2007 in the United States (although not until the 27th in the UK - boooo!). It seems like concept art for The Last Knight is showing no signs of stopping either, so keep your optics tuned to for any more Transformers news - movie-related or otherwise - that. Fans debated whether the concept art was official artwork or simply a fan creation until F.J. DeSanto -- the intended showrunner for the animated series -- recently confirmed that it was in fact meant to be used for Transformers: Legacy. The art was based mostly on a design created by artist Anna Malkova for the IDW Transformers comic books.
Bumblebee Movie Concept Art Round Up 4 Transformers News TFW2005
Concept Artist and Illustrator Wesley Burt has shared some concept art he developed for Transformers: Dark of the Moon.Wesley worked on a number of different things throughout the pre-production phase of the film, focusing on generating early visual ideas with the direction of Michael Bay and production designer Nigel Phelps. Josh Nizzi was hired to do concept art for the Transformers' sequel, Revenge of the Fallen, while Dcjosh is the artist who does the cover art for Transformers' comic series. Without a doubt, their artworks are absolutely awesome. Adaptation #1. (Image source: Josh Nizzi) Adaptation #2.
TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT is Paramount Home Media's first 4K Ultra HD release in Dolby Vision™, which enhances the home viewing experience by delivering greater brightness and contrast, as. Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Maximals, beast modes By Furio Tedeschi - Full body concept art of Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rhinox and Airazor beast modes in all their glory. According to his Instagram post, he "Tried as much as possible to keep essence of the OG characters I loved as a kid".
Director Stephen Cable Jr. has shared some new CGI concept images from the Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts. These high resolution still show renderings a of a number of characters from the movie. Today we've got a collection of concept art by artist Ben Procter (thanks to the very cool site that feature a ton of characters as well as some of key objects from Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.