Marko Ivan Rupnik (born 28 November 1954) is a Slovenian Catholic priest, theologian, mosaic artist, and former Jesuit. In the January 5 issue of America Father James Martin relates the story of the mosaic artist who has worked in Fatima, Lourdes and now Fairfield, Conn. Father Marko Rupniks chapel mosaic was.
Marko Rupnik Arte católico, Arte de jesús, María magdalena
Marko Rupnik & the Centro Aletti Mosaic Team RTaylorDen 732 subscribers 100 views 1 month ago Since 1999, Rupnik and the Centro Aletti group have installed glorious mosaics in over 200. Marko Ivan Rupnik, slovenski duhovnik, teolog, mozaičar in slikar, nekdanji jezuit, * 28. november 1954, Zadlog . Življenjepis Po končani osnovni šoli je šolanje nadaljeval v Malem semenišču v Vipavi. Leta 1973 je vstopil v Družbo Jezusovo. Father Marko Rupnik, recently expelled from the Jesuit order, is pictured in a 2015 photo in Rome. (OSV News photo/Cristian Gennari, KNA) (OSV News) -- A former Jesuit priest dismissed by the. Help Category:Mosaics by Marko Rupnik From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Language select: English: Mosaics by Marko Ivan Rupnik. Polski: Mozaiki autorstwa Marko Ivana Rupnika. Subcategories This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. C
Pin de Elżbieta Filipkiewicz em MARKO RUPNIK Mosaicos
The Following is a Timeline of the Actions and Issues in Play: Early 1980s: The Loyola Community is founded in Slovenia by Jesuit Father Marko Ivan Rupnik and Sister Ivanka Hosta. 1992-1995. June 15, 2023 A screen grab shows Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik, an artist and theologian, giving a Lenten meditation March 6, 2020, in the Clementine Hall at the Vatican. The Jesuit superior general has expelled the priest from the order, although he has 30 days to appeal the decision. (CNS screen grab) Mosaic art created by Father Marko Rupnik could be removed from the Basilica of the Sanctuary of Lourdes, France, out of consideration for victims of abuse who come to the sanctuary in search. The Society of Jesus said Tuesday it will open a new internal procedure on Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik after receiving abuse accusations with a "very high" degree of credibility against the.
Vaticano News 22/05/2017 Conheça Marko Rupnik YouTube
The Centro Aletti, guided by Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik, oversaw the execution of the mosaics and entrusted the Russian art historian, Prof. Oleg Germanovich Ulyanov, with the design of the central area behind the altar (see left image below). The work completed in 1999 renovated the earlier Matilda Chapel, and bore the name of John Paul's. She couldn't bear to have it up. Father Rupnik is a remarkably gifted artist. His mosaics adorn chapels and buildings from the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington to the Basilica of.
Marko Ivan Rupnik SJ (ur. 28 listopada 1954 w Zadlog) - słoweński prezbiter rzymskokatolicki, były jezuita (1973-2023), kapłan diecezji koperskiej (od 2023 r.), teolog, mozaikarz.. Ojciec Rupnik projektuje mozaiki. Ekskomunika i sprawa molestowania seksualnego zakonnic. W grudniu 2022 r. generał jezuitów poinformował, że Marko Ivan. 12. 2023 | 0.48 Kultura Ob Plečnikovih Žalah zasijal Rupnikov mozaik Novo delo priznanega slovenskega umetnika Marka Rupnika Na ljubljanskih Žalah je zasijalo na tisoče majhnih kamnov novega mozaika priznanega slovenskega sakralnega umetnika Marka Rupnika. M. K. 18. december 2009 ob 7.38 Zadnji poseg: 24. december 2009 ob 16.52
Marko Rupnik w Tarnowskich Górach
Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik is shown at the 'Aletti' workshop in Rome in 2007. The scandal surrounding his alleged sexual abuse of women, as well as the handling of his case by the Jesuit order. Pater Marko Rupnik je z mozaiki, ki jih ustvarja skupaj z ekipo sodelavcev, najprej - leta 1999 - okrasil kapelo Odrešenikove matere v II. loži apostolske palače v Vatikanu. Zanjo je leta 2000 prejel Prešernovo nagrado.